Ukulele sensation Jake Shimabukuro usually gets at least one backhanded compliment after one of his performances. The person who gives it is typically someone who's been dragged to one of his concerts - and emerges as a converted fan.
Ibusa is believed to be the first settlement among the Asaba-Ibusa-Ogwashi-uku axis thus the other version ?Ibuzo? (Were you first to settle within this axis?) but it interesting to note that the indigenes refer to themselves as ?Igbuzo? ( Igbos .... Major Hotels 1. Gordon Hotel 2. Apple Club. Some musicians of Ibusa origin are: 1. Ogbogu Okonji 2. Socromojo Okonji 3. Etiti Okonji 4. Ifeanyi Nwalama 5. Isioma Nwalama 6. Agility Okonji. Some prominent Ibusa indigenes are: ...
In this ukulele lesson we will use the uke to play a melody. Not many people can play Beethoven on their ukulele but soon you will be one of them. Let's start! ?To Joy? is an ode written in 1785 by the German poet Friedrich Schiller. ...